Monday, April 29, 2013

What do your body parts say about you?

Ear - Right - 104/365
Photo by Amarand Agasi

I am a strong believer that our facial and body features are not randomly created by nature--that each one develops due to influences from different sources (genes, chemicals, hormones, etc) while we are in the womb.  I think that is a common belief supported by science, though not deeply understood yet.  But I also believe that each of these factors affects not only how we will look, but how we act.

For example, I can tell you that most people with full lips are more compassionate than the average person. Its not 100% predictive as other features can dominate and rule this out, but it is a strong indicator.  I have no doubt there will be scientific support for this in the future.  Sadly, we are in the infancy stages of understanding the physical/behavioral connection.

Now imagine if we made a deeper correlation.  If you have this feature, we know it will cause you this illness.

For example, if you have a crease in your earlobe, you will have a higher risk for heart disease.

Would that surprise you?

It doesn't surprise me and yes, that is exactly where science is going.

Check this out!

I predict in the future, a doctor will map out our faces as children and will predict our personalities, behavior and high risk illnesses by simply looking at our bodies.

Imagine getting a report back detailing these elements about your child!

Oh how cool it would be to see where the science is in 1000 years!!

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